Popular in any region, you can start your own business selling Italian ice from a cute pushcart for less than $4300. with help from Little Jimmy’s Italian Ices & Push Carts company. The carts are colorful and fun and fit in most minivans or SUV’s. And the carts require no electricity or dry ice so you can sell your products anywhere.
Italian Ice is a dessert treat that has been around for centuries. Little Jimmy’s Italian Ice recipe consists of a water-based, fat-free, dairy-free, cholesterol-free, and high fructose corn syrup-free gourmet dessert of many different flavors. Little Jimmy’s Italian Ice is a true Italian water ice that has the creaminess of sherbet or ice cream and never contains any dairy or non-dairy creamer. Their Italian ice is produced the old fashioned way in Elizabeth, New Jersey.
According to Little Jimmy’s, “Italian Ice Pushcarts, concession trailers, trucks and kiosks are available. Our Italian Ice recipe has remained unchanged for nearly 75 years.”
Little Jimmy’s Italian water Ice is sold at malls, stadiums, amusement parks, festivals, fairs, beaches, flea markets, camps, state parks, swim clubs, golf courses, resort hotels, carnivals, zoos, etc. At these locations our water ice is sold from Italian ice push carts, concession trailers, kiosks, freezers and concession stands. In fact, anywhere there is a gathering or flow of people, there is an opportunity to sell Little Jimmy’s Italian Ice.
There is no experience required to start this business and you can get going right now in time for the super hot summer season. For more information on how you can get started visit or call the company at 800/763-4348 FREE.